I found this video last few months and it inspired me a lot. This morning, while browsing the internet [i should be reading my lecture notes!] , I came across this wonderful video again. While weeping, let us find our own way on how to be as strong as this man. He has inspired many souls worldwide. Such an optimist guy-without limbs. May Allah give him hidayah.

And one more...

Alhamdulillah, Allah grant me good health both mentally and physically. Just, a little infection~homesickoccus. Be strong ok!

"If I fail I try again and again, and again...."- Nick Vujicic

"Kami tiada membebani seseorang melainkan menurut kesanggupannya, dan pada sisi Kami ada suatu kitab yang membicarakan kebenaran, dan mereka tidak dianiaya."
(Al-Mu'minuun: 62)

"... dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya, tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, melainkan kaum yang kafir." (Yusuf: 87)

Be thankful.

Just a little push.

Be strong.
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