urm...a lil glance at the shout box, bad is yelling.. leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
hehe.. dis one is for bad. thanx for tagging me. and make me fening2 lalat nak cari video pe..
here it is!

1. those video are sooo...petronas! simple,less 5mins yet meaningful. =)
2. nice song ~ my faverato
3. i sat by my mum first time i watch those both video. huuu...
4. touch my heart soo deeply
5. it makes me wonder. "seorang emak boleh menjaga 10 org anak tapi sepuluh orang anak belum tentu dapat jaga seorang emak." same as abah.
6. i just luv those video! it's so hard to decide which video to embed. so i took both. *wink*
7. saya nak balik cuti summer! *menjerit sekuat hati*

yups bad. it's so simple. tetiba di pagi hari jadi addicted tgk youtube. xnak tag sape2. smua org kesibukan kot.
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