terasa lemas dalam lautan ilmu. ~iye2 je..

Then one of my housemate gave me this link. A very good tazkirah. Subhanallah..

When you're happy,praise Allah. When you're facing difficulty, seek Allah. Put your trust in Him. InsyaAllah, you will
never feel disappointed bcoz
He really knows best.

It makes me smile again. Continue study!

Jazakillahu khaira Khadijah.
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3 Responses
  1. cYiD Says:


    (dengan ketiba-tibaan)
    "...allah knows best..."

  2. hehe.. makin dekat exam makin slalu plak aku mengupdate blog kan.. pe maknanya tu... i need someone to talk but not homo sapiens.. so whats left? Allah dan blog..

  3. pain-ball Says:

    Masya ALLAH! Masya ALLAH! dasyatnye tazkirah! 1st class! best2! apa kata sebarkan video ni? huhu.. akif ni bagus btol ye.. hebat2. patut la sayang benor kat akif. =.)