3 DAYS TO GO... (or should I say approximately 2 days 14 hours?)

Subhanallah, I was counting down for the 2nd Sem exam already! How suprisingly fast the time flies. Allah, my heart isn't in Dublin anymore. Well, at least for now. I want to go home as soon as possible, urm like now??! But.. BUT I have to sit for a BIG exam first (the word ' big' might not applicable for all). Allah, this is only an exam. Something that should be normal for me as a student. Something that I have to face after half year of ups and downs. Plus, I have been doing exams for so many times. But, again and again, this nak-terjun-bangunan feeling never fail to mentally trouble me. A lil glance to the Cardiovascular notes, Anatomy notes, GE notes, Molecular Medicine notes, Clinical Compentencies handouts, and not to mention, Histology Tutorials which I seldomly revise. Enough. Tachycardia. Faint. (-.-) O Allah, give me strength. Remind me of Your ayat -Allah is enough for me and You are the best protector- each time unease feeling strikes me. Allah, please help me for I wouldn't be able to even hold the pen without Your permission. Guide me Allah thru the right path. Please be with me, always.. Allah, ease the task for me and my friends. Help us Allah....
"And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, then (answer them) I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge) : I respond to the invocations of every supplicant when he calls on Me. So let them also, with a will, listen to My call. And believe in Me; so that they might walk in the right path"
-Al-Baqarah : 186-
Kucing turut berdoa kerana sedar diri hanya hamba. Apatah lagi manusia.

Exam schedule
25/05/09 - Cardiovascular
26/05/09 - Histology
27/05/09 - Health Behaviour & Society
28/05/09 - Clinical Competencies
2/06/09 - Molecular Medicine
3/06/09 - Genitourinary & Endocrine System
5/06/09 - Anatomy Practical
11/06/09 - MALAYSIA!

No worries leen! It will soon be over! Very soon. Remember the temporary nature of this life on Earth. Prepare more for your eternal hereafter, ok?

Good luck friends!
p/s : plz read cyid's comment. =)
6 Responses
  1. cYiD Says:

    aku abes awal sehari :P
    (but cam x de beze pon)

    ade terbace kat mane pon ntah...
    da lupe...
    but it goes something like this...

    "...Exam season ni sebenarnya cuma musim yang Allah sediakan untuk mengutip pahala tawakkal & pahala bermujahadah berusaha sebab result kita sebenarnya dah lama dah Allah tetapkan..."
    -quote dr org (x sampai tahap saye lg nak produce something that beautiful n meaningful)

    "...Tapi sebab kita tak tahu keputusan kita, maka kita takut, nervous & berharap. So, yang kita takut tu, risau-risaukan tu, takleh tido malam nak exam tu.... semoga semua itu hanya akan menambahkan perasaan tawakal kita yang melangit tinggi kepada Allah..."

  2. thanx cyid.. u never fail to comment. =)
    exactly! urm, semakin lega sket. sebenarnya exam ni cuma salah satu ujian Allah. Ujian selepas exam sbnrnya lagi bahaya, sebab x sedar pun tengah diuji. InsyaAllah emosi stabil je skg. saje nak mencurahkan rasa hati kat sini. where else kan?

    selamat bermujahadah cyid. =) thanx so much for those beautiful words.

  3. ..leen, sebenarnya time exam ni ade 3 faktor penting (bunyi macam kem motivasi kan?)..faktor dri sdri, examiner, dan rakan2(org sekeliling)..diri sdri kite dapat uruskan..yela kena belajar dan berusaha sedikit..kite boleh study group semua..mintak kekalkan kesihatan..yg itu kita dapat buat sdri tapi lg dua faktor penting tu kite xdapat control atau nk buat dgn minta pertolongan dari tuhan la untuk permudahkan urusan mereka nk menanda kertas dan memberi sokongan..tapi macam mana nk buat tu? iaitu dgn solat, bykkan yg sunat dan juga berdoa dgn ikhlas,jaga makan minum dan hubungan dgn rakan2..dan ingat, buat la sesuatu perkara itu dgn bersungguh2 bukan seperti melepaskan batuk di tangga atau di muka sesape..sebab rasulullah saw bersabda 'sesungguhnya Allah amat menyukai org yg melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan itu dgn bersungguh2'....
    sekian, harap membantu..

    p/s:aku jugak yg abis lmbat exam..arghhh!!!

  4. thanx mat yie.. =)
    insyaAllah, akan cuba buat dgn bersungguh2! Selagi ada masa, aku akan usaha sdaya upaya! *nada ikrar*
    owh ko x exam lg? all the best eh. doakan ktorg tau.

  5. Afham Says:

    What else i can say..




    dan berjalanlah ke Exam Hall dengan yakin akan pertolongan-Nya

    p/s:rasanya dah tak perlu nak jogging utk ke exm hall kali ni..hee

  6. Pain yg handfon rosak Says:

    Ni nak share doa2 yang perlu dibaca menjelang exam. Rasanya semua student RCSI da tau da, tapi saja je nak share sebab mak selalu soh baca doa2 ni:

    1)Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja'altahu sahla wa anta taj'alul huzna sahla iza syi'tahu sahla.

    maksud: Ya ALLAH, tidaklah diajarkan kepada kami kecuali apa yang engkau ajarkan kepada kami.....(dan seterusnya saya lupa plak)....

    2)Allahummaftah alaina futuhal arifin, warzuqna fahman nabiyyin wa ilhamal malaikatil muqarribin, birahmatika ya arhaman rahimin.

    3)rabbi yassir wala tu'assir.

    (yang ni mak slalu sgt pesan soh baca)

    maksud:Ya tuhanku, permudahkanlah jangan susahkan.

    Dan jangan lupa juga baca doa penerang hati, salawat banyak2, dan mintak ALLAH suluh ati kita macam matahari menerangi bumi..

    Insya ALLAH..