Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Angin menderu di luar. Cuaca kian pelik. Peluh hangat di kala musim sejuk. Sesungguhnya ini juga tanda kekuasaanNya. Salji yang dinanti,haba panas yang tiba.
Mula berhibernisasi sejak pulang dari membaham taco fries petang tadi ditemani seorang rakan yang kesedihan menghantar pulang sepupunya di airport. Alhamdulillah, tercapai juga hasrat menjamah makanan yang tidak pernah membosankan itu. Seriously, 4 years and still counting, taco fries tetap di hati,sama macam Aldi. Hikhikhik.Cuma taco fries sekarang sedikit masam, mengeliat nak menghabiskan part-part terakhir hidangan tersebut.
Tatkala jam menginjak ke angka 12, baru saya terbangun dari hibernasi yang agak panjang. Melatonin yang melambung-lambung tadinya kini kian reda (boleh bukak tingkap terjun bumbung kalau still rasa mengantuk!) Usai menunaikan solat Isyak dan witir, saya terduduk di birai katil (urm,birai lah sangat)
PUISI akan berlangsung kurang dari 2 hari. MasyaAllah, ini tahun keempat saya! Siapa sangka dulu peserta, kini sebagai faci. Haruslah saya ini tidak layak, tapi sampai bila nak tunggu layak? Habislah kalau Nabi dulu tunggu lengkap turun satu Quran baru nak menyampaikan.
PUISI akan berlangsung kurang dari 2 hari. MasyaAllah, ini tahun keempat saya! Siapa sangka dulu peserta, kini sebagai faci. Haruslah saya ini tidak layak, tapi sampai bila nak tunggu layak? Habislah kalau Nabi dulu tunggu lengkap turun satu Quran baru nak menyampaikan.
Allah tahu kita mampu, sebab tu Dia bagi kan? Lepas ni kena makan dan hadam bacaan yang diberikan oleh team module yang berwibawa. Kagum saya melihatkan kesungguhan adik-adik ini yang sanggup berkorban masa dan tenaga untuk menjayakan program ini. Semoga Allah kurniakan keberkatan masa dan ilmu kepada mereka,dan kami juga. Ameen. Berkali-kali saya berpesan, keberkatan bukan entiti yang boleh dikira dengan kalkulator (malahan GDC sekalipun!). Ia kurniaan Allah, jadi kena minta. Selain itu, sunnatullah perlu seiring dengan syariatullah. Usaha,usaha,usaha,doa dan tawakal!
Allahumma yasir wala tua'sir.
Rotation saya selepas ini ialah Clinical Medicine di Kilkenny. Masih belum mendapat sebarang email berkenaan attachment berkenaan. Bagi peluang untuk kami cuti sepenuhnya kot? Saya agak look forward untuk rotation clinical meds tapi bukan surgery. Allahu, kena tingkatkan minat kat surgery ni! Alhamdulillah kali ni saya bersama dengan travel partner saya,maka tiada lagi episod duka brekafast,lunch dan dinner roti. At least semangat sikit nak makan kalau ada orang teman. :) maka, expect juga la higher BMI.
Owh, Akif kini sudah kembali girang gumbira seperti sediakala selepas beberapa hari menjadi kerang busuk. Hebat sungguh penangan orang lepas bersunat ni. Hehe. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh dan hamba yang taat. X boleh manja-manja mengalahkan kakak ok.
Jam sudah pukul 3am. Perut mula berkeroncong zapin sekarang. Ayuh bersahur dan puasa esok!
Memang tinggi BMI lepas ni!
Subhanallah,beautiful TV programme.
Minit ke-24 : Rasullullah seorang yang berbadan kurus. Contohilah baginda, insyaAllah.
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Allah turunkan manusia ke bumi untuk dua tujuan utama. Beribadah kepadanya dan menjadi khalifah di muka bumi.
Khalifah ialah pentadbir bumi yang berusaha menegakkan hukumNya di muka bumi. Dalam bahasa mudah, menyeru kepada kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran.
Mungkin personaliti saya yang agak susah marah dan tidak pandai mengekspresi rasa kurang senang,maka saya menghadapi masalah besar untuk mencegah kemungkaran. Saya tidak lantang bersuara apatah lagi berani berdegar-degar menegur secara terbuka. Saya kerap mengambil pendekatan wait-and-watch atau tegur secara lembut.
Tapi kadangkala teguran lembut lebih mendatangkan mudharat dari manfaat. Mana ingin saya cari nilai ketegasan yang mungkin tersembunyi di sudut hati ini?
Benarlah, menyeru kebaikan itu jauh lebih mudah daripada mencegah kemungkaran.
Dengan menyeru kebaikan, kita mungkin akan dilabelkan sebagai 'orang baik'. Tapi sebenarnya 'orang baik' juga harus berusaha untuk mencegah kemungkaran. Apa yang lebih penting, Allah suruh kita menjalankan dua elemen tersebut, bukan dengan pilihan untuk dipilih.
Daripada Abu Said al Khudri r.a katanya, Aku mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda : "Sesiapa di kalangan kamu yang melihat kemungkaran maka hendaklah dia mencegah dengan tangannya. Sekiranya dia tidak mampu,hendaklah dia menegah dengan lidahnya, sekiranya dia tidak mampu, maka dengan hatinya dan itulah selemah-lemah iman. (Riwayat Muslim)
Allah, hilangkanlah rasa marah dalam hati saya kerana saya mahu menegur atas dasar kasih sayang.
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Alhamdulillah. Akhirnya makhluk putih dari langit itu kembali bertamu ke bumi! It's snowing again. (though it's just for few mins. like mak said 'bagi salam je tu')
Yang paling gembira seharusnya adik 1st year :) Allah makbulkan doa mereka,alhamdulillah.
Hari ini diisytiharkan sebagai hari GP Portfolio untuk saya. Biar siapkan awal supaya dapat menumpukan perhatian kepada tugasan lain yang tidak kurang pentingnya. InsyaAllah. Doakan Allah beri istiqamah menyiapakan tugasan saya. Tajuk evidence based medicine saya -fibromyalgia. And I chose transgender as my ethical dilemma project. Whoa! Tak sangka jumpa patient macam tu kat sini.
Ok,'pen-alike-keyboard' off now.
Have a blessed Tuesday everyone!
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
12/12/11. Hari ini tarikh lahir adik saya yang kedua kalau mengikut tarikh masihi. Awis Qushairi. Malu-malu mahu menjawab panggilan telefon saya.
Selamat hari lahir heroku, Awis Qushairi!
Adik kakak yang seorang ini memang unik. Lain sungguh perwatakannya dengan Amin dan Akif si kaki buli itu. Melihatkan raut wajahnya sudah dapat meneka Awis seorang yang pemalu (sangat!) dan suka tersenyum. Benar-benar suka tersenyum. Semoga dapat pahala ikut sunnah nabi, my dear Awis!
Memandangkan kakak dan Amin tiada di rumah buat masa ini, Awis dan Akif lah yang menjaga pengganti untuk memegang amanah menjadi mak dan abah (ke abah dan mak yang 'jaga' hangpa?) Awis adik yang sangat baik. Tidak pernah sekalipun Awis membantah cakap kakak kan? Adik ini yang tolong jaga mak bila mak sakit dan kakak berada jauh dari rumah. Masak, basuh baju, iron baju, basuhkan kasut Akif, pergi ke kedai. Jarang sekali kakak dengar Awis menjawab tidak dengan setiap permintaan mak. Awis memang anak yang taat sampaikan kakak jadi kagum. Kakak memang sangat kagum dengan adik kakak ni. Kakak selalu bercita-cita untuk menjadi setenang Awis yang manis dengan senyuman.
Awis tidak banyak cakap kan di rumah ataupun mungkin kakak sudah terlampau sibuk dengan dunia kakak sendiri. Kakak minta maaf kalau kakak tak pandai melayan Awis mengikut karakter Awis. Kebanyakan benda Awis simpan dalam hati. Tak bengkak dan meletup ke hati tu lama-lama nanti? Kadang-kadang kita kena luahkan perasaan kita tau. Tapi bukan macam masa Awis mengamuk dengan Akif kat rumah tok dulu. Yang tu kakak tengok pun nak pengsan. Hehe. But i must say, you are one of the sweetest people i ever met! :)
Kakak tau mak selalu marah Awis sebab asyik gaduh dengan Akif tapi kakak percaya Akif sebenarnya punca pergaduhan. Biasalah Akif tu. Terima kasih Awis sebab selalu mengalah dan bersikap matang dengan Akif. Cuma pesan kakak, jangan ajar Akif benda-benda yang bukan-bukan eh. Ajar Akif suruh senyum banyak2,yang tu ok :) ajak Akif pi mengaji setiap petang eh.
Awis dah nak PMR kan tahun depan? Rajin belajar ok. Kakak minta maaf sebab kakak tak boleh bantu Awis dalam pelajaran. Tapi ingat pesan kakak, bukan senang kita nak senang. Semuanya perlukan usaha dan sabar. Kakak tahu Awis budak pandai dan baik, insyaAllah Allah sayang. Bila Allah sayang, Allah akan tolong dalam setiap kesusahan. Kakak doakan Awis dari sini eh.
Kaki Awis yang kena eczema tu jangan lupa sapu ubat dan jangan main kotor-kotor. Sensitif sangat kulitnya ni. Xpe,semoga banyak pahala sabar. :)
Awis, tolong jaga mak,abah dan Akif untuk kakak, please?
Untuk hari lahir yang ke-14 ini, kakak doakan Allah kurniakan Awis umur yang berkat. Jangan tinggal sembahyang dah tau, dah besar ni. Jaga diri. Semoga Allah beri kebahagiaan dunia akhirat dan pelihara Awis dari segala malapetaka. Semoga Awis menjadi anak yang terbaik untuk mak dan abah. Awis, kakak sayang Awis! InsyaAllah nanti balik Malaysia kakak bagi hadiah untuk adik yang terbaek ni. :) Jangan lupa doakan mak abah selalu. Doakan kakak di sini jugak.
Awis, kakak rindu sungguh telur goreng resepi Awis tu! Kakak balik nanti nak makan tau :)
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Whoah! Rasa berpinau mata meneliti randomised clinical trial/meta analysis di Clinical Evidence, Cochrene, JAMA, Lancet, Pubmed dan seangkatan dengannya. Masih berbaki satu kes untuk diselesaikan sebelum saya boleh menginjak ke assignment seterusnya - Ethical Dilemma. Dilemma indeed! @_@
Esok hari Ahad. 11 December 2011. 16 Muharram 1433.
I wish I am a better person
InsyaAllah :)
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Baru beberapa hari lepas sesi perbincangan saya dengan GP membuatkan saya terfikir tentang penciptaan manusia dan apa yang ingin dikejar. Allah menjawab persoalan saya dalam surah yang cuba saya hafal cuti summer lepas. Allahu.

10. O you who believe, shall I show you a trade that will save you from a painful punishment?
Allah (swt) begins this ayah by addressing the believers with a question. As we mentioned, when Allah (swt) begins an ayah by calling to the believers we have to pay extremely close attention and think that this ayah is being directed specifically to us. The question that Allah (swt) asks us is if He (swt) should show us a trade that will save us from a painful punishment. “Trade” here refers to an exchange, like we exchange money for merchandise when we buy something. The words “painful punishment” in this ayah refers to the hellfire. When Allah (swt) refers to a punishment as “painful” we know it is the worst kind of pain. Far worse than anything we can even possibly imagine. Even in the life of this world there is no pain like the pain of burning, now can you imagine a fire that is seventy times as intense as the fire of this world and one that will consume you entire body. Just thinking about it should send shivers down your spine.
Some foolish and ignorant people may ask the question of why should we need to be saved from the Fire in the first place? The truth that these people do not realize is that there are very few people in humanity who are not deserving of the Fire. For certain the prophets do not deserve the Fire because they are the closest to Allah (swt) and they spend their entire lives either in worship and devotion to Allah (swt) or calling others to the worship of Allah (swt). The closest to the prophets are those, who although they do not receive revelation from Allah (swt), are similar to the prophets in that they devote their lives to the worship and servitude of Allah (swt). They fulfill the purpose for which Allah (swt) created them. We have to always remember that Allah (swt) created us and put us on this earth for a reason. We are not here simply to enjoy ourselves or simply to relax, nor are we here to be disobedient to Allah (swt). Allah (swt) created us only so that we can serve and worship Him (swt). The vast majority of humanity has failed in that duty. They have chosen a life of serving their desires instead of serving their Creator. Is there anything less than the Fire that they deserve for such ingratitude to the One Who brought them into existence and the One Who maintains that existence for every moment of their life? So much has Allah (swt) given the human being, and so little have we done to show gratitude to Him (swt).
How then could we expected to be shown mercy in the Hereafter when we are guilty of such ingratitude? We also have to remember that we are the complete property of Allah (swt) to do with as He (swt) pleases. Allah (swt) could throw all of humanity in the Fire for no reason and that would not be injustice for Him (swt) because He (swt) created us and we are His (swt)’s property. But Allah (swt) has not done that, rather He (swt) has turned to His creation in Mercy. In this ayah Allah (swt) tells us of a trade that we can make with Him (swt) that can save us from the punishment that has become due on us. Who among us would not take this trade? Who among us would not want to be saved from that horrible punishment? We would give so much in this world to ensure that our family and our selves are safe from any distress and suffering in the life of the world. To save yourself from pain and hardship you would do so much and you would spend so much. To cure a disease that is causing you pain you would spend all of your wealth. Despite this you know that there is no pain and suffering in the life of this world when compared to the punishment in the Hereafter. We know the hadith where the Prophet (saw) has told us about the time when the evil and disbelieving people will be faced with the punishment of the hellfire. At that moment, they would be willing to sacrifice this whole world and everything in it to be saved from that punishment. Just imagine, if you owned everything in this world, you would still be willing to give all of that up to escape from the punishment of the hellfire. This is because you will realize how horrible and how painful that punishment is. However in this ayah Allah (swt) is giving us a chance to be saved from the Fire and He (swt) is not asking for us to give the world and everything in it. Allah (swt) is telling us here in the Quran what we have to give Him (swt) in exchange for being saved from that awful punishment. So listen carefully to what Allah (swt) is tells us in the next ayah as to how we can be saved from that punishment.

11. That you believe in Allah and His Messenger, and you strive in path of Allah with your wealth and your lives, that is much better for you, if you but knew.
In the previous ayah Allah (swt) asked the believers if they would like to be shown a trade that would save from the punishment of the Fire. In other words, Allah (swt) will save us from the Fire and in return we have to do something for Him (swt). In this ayah Allah (swt) tells us what we need to do. Once again it is very important that we pay close attention and think deeply about how we can do what Allah (swt) tells us to do so that we can live up to our part of the bargain.
The first part of this trade is that we believe in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw). This belief is the belief with the firm conviction after pondering and reflecting on the signs that Allah (swt) has given us both in the world around us and in the Quran. We have to believe that Allah (swt) is One and Only and we have to believe in all of the perfect attributes of Allah (swt) such as Him (swt) being the All Knowing, All Seeing and the One Who has power over all things. We also have to believe that the Prophet (saw) is the Messenger of Allah (swt). The final Messenger of Allah (swt) that has been sent for all mankind. The best of the creation of Allah (swt). We also have to love the Prophet (saw) and part of the perfection of our belief is that we love the Prophet (saw) more than anyone else, including our families and ourselves. The only One Whom we should love more than the Prophet (saw) is Allah (swt), So the first component of the trade that we make with Allah (swt) is that we believe in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) in the correct way. This means we have to the correct and firm in belief in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw).If we cannot fulfill this first part of the bargain, then nothing else that comes after should matter. May Allah (swt) allow us to achieve that!
The second component of the trade that we make with Allah (swt) is to strive and struggle hard in path of Allah (swt) with our wealth and our lives. The word jihad in this ayah means to strive and struggle hard. The word jihad here includes the material struggle with arms but it is not restricted to it, rather it refers to any kind of struggle or striving that you do for the cause of Allah (swt) and hoping to achieve the pleasure of Allah (swt). The cause of Allah (swt) is the effort to establish the Law of Allah (swt) in the land and to spread the Message of Allah (swt) to mankind. This is the goal for which we have to strive and struggle hard in the life of this world. We must be wiling to sacrifice our wealth and our lives in this cause. There should be nothing that we should be hesitant to give up. This means that we must give up our money and our time. This dawah cannot be something that we do in our part time and something that we do not spend for. Rather we should always be involved in this work, striving and struggling hard, with all of the resources that Allah (swt) has given us. May Allah (swt) enable us to do that! We never said it would be easy, but we have been created and placed on this earth for a great purpose. Allah (swt) has placed in the human being so much potential both physically and mentally that he needs to utilize to establish justice and righteousness in the land. We do not exist to simply eat, have intercourse, defecate and die. Is that the life that you want? If you choose that life, then what difference is there between you and the animal? Rather the life that all Muslims should want is the life of jihad. Once the State has been established, this is the life of the soldier and before the State it is the one struggles to carry this idea to the Ummah so that they would return to Islam once again. May Allah (swt) allow Muslims everywhere make the correct decision on how they should live their lives!
In the final portion of this ayah, Allah (swt) tells us that this is better for us if only we know. We see in the reality of the world today that most people have not made this trade with Allah (swt). On the contrary, what we see is that most people purchase a small time in this world of serving their desires with their fate in the Hereafter. This is only because the people simply do not know. They do not comprehend the reality of the universe. They do not see how the life of this world is only a short and fleeting existence. A place of test and trial. It is only in the life after this where we can truly achieve victory or suffer defeat. Because most people do not know about this,they are unwilling to make this trade with Allah (swt). They do not want to make this trade despite the fact that Allah (swt) clearly says in this ayah that this trade is what is better. First of all, we should love to worship and serve Allah (swt) because He (swt) is Our Creator and our Sustainer. He (swt) is also the One Who has given us every good thing that we have in our life. Do not think that anything that you have in the life of this world is something that you have because you deserve it. Every single blessing that you have in the life of this world, every single joy that you have is only a gift from Allah (swt) to you for which you have done nothing to deserve. So to a live a life of worship and servitude to Allah (swt) should be something that you love to do, because He (swt) has given you everything that you have. But look here at the Mercy of Allah (swt), He (swt) is offering you the greatest of rewards if you dedicate your life to serving and worshipping Him (swt). Even though the worship and servitude to Allah (swt) should be something that is beloved to you, Allah (swt) is still offering you a great reward if you do it.
The first part of this reward is that you will be saved from this terrible and excruciating punishment that the rest of humanity is bound for. You cannot even begin to how blessed and fortunate that you would be if Allah (swt) prevented that fire from touching your skin. We know from the hadith of the Prophet (saw) that if the person who lived the most comfortable and pleasant life in this world would be dipped for just one moment in the hellfire, he would say that he has never known any good for his whole life. One of the lessons that we can take from this hadith is that the pain of just one moment in the fire would have a greater affect on a person than a lifetime of pleasure and comfort in this world. He felt so much pain while he was in that fire that it made him forget all of the good things that he enjoyed in the life of this world. So just to be saved from that Fire should make all of our efforts and sacrifices in the life of this world worth it.
But does the Mercy of Allah (swt) end there? What about all of the sins that we have committed? What can we do with all of the acts of disobedience that we have committed? In the next ayah Allah (swt) tells us what will happen to our sins.

12. He will forgive for you your sins and He will admit you into gardens under which rivers flow, and maskeena tayyibthan in gardens of eternity, that is the greatest achievement.
In the previous ayah Allah (swt) told us about a trade that we can make with Him (swt). For our part we would believe in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) with the correct and firm belief, and we would struggle and strive to establish the Law of Allah (swt) in the land and to spread this Message to mankind. In exchange for this, Allah (swt) promised us that He (swt) would save us from the painful and terrible punishment of the Fire. But is that the end of what Allah (swt) would do for us in this trade? What about all of the sins and acts of disobedience that we committed? If we are not going to the Fire after we die then where would we go?
The first thing that Allah (swt) tells us in this ayah is that He (swt) will forgive for us our sins. Notice the words la kom, this means that the act of forgiveness is something that Allah (swt) is doing for us. The pardoning of our sins is a great favor and blessing that Allah (swt) is bestowing on us. We committed our sins knowing that these actions were forbidden in the Law of Allah (swt). We did these evil actions knowing that they would earn the displeasure of Allah (swt). No one forced us to do these sins, rather we did them of our own free will. So our sins are like a debt that we are carrying on our neck. Since we earned them through our evil actions, there is nothing that we can do to get rid off them. They are stuck on us like chains. The Only One Who can remove our sins from us is Allah (swt), and that is what He (swt) promises He (swt) will do if we only live up to our end of this trade.
There are at least two lessons that we can take even from just this first portion of the ayah. See once again how much meaning that Allah (swt) has put into so few words. The first lesson is that we must never despair of our sins. Allah (swt) has clearly told us in this ayah that He (swt) will forgive our sins. He (swt) is not saying in this ayah that He (swt) will only forgive some of our sins, but He (swt) is saying that He (swt) will forgive our sins, that means all of them. We know from other ayahs of the Quran, and the hadith as well that there is no limit to the amount of sins that Allah (swt) can forgive. For example there is last hadith in Imam Nawawi’s collection of forty hadith that we should all know which is a hadith qudsi where Allah (swt) has told us
“O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive what you have you have done and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds in the sky and were you to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness as great it is”.
This ayah and this hadith clearly show us that Allah (swt) loves to forgive sins. As long you believe only in Allah (swt) and you make a sincere effort to serve and worship Him (swt). So no matter how much evil you may have done in your life, you must always have a hope that Allah (swt) will forgive you your sins. The scholars have even said that to simply think that Allah (swt) will never forgive you is a greater evil than whatever sin you may have committed. At the same time you must never let Shaitan trick you into thinking that since Allah (swt) forgives all sins, you should simply do all the evil that you want and ask forgiveness later on. None of us know when our death will come. As Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) said we should live every morning like we will not be alive in the evening and we should live every evening like we would not be alive in the morning. So we must always have the hope that Allah (swt) will forgive us our sins and at the same time we must have the fear that death can come at any moment.
As ibn al-Qayyim said, we must have two wings. One wing of hope that Allah (swt) will forgive our sins and one wing of fear that we may die before we can ask Allah (swt) for forgiveness and be righteous. Only when these two wings are balanced can the bird fly. So whenever Shaitan tells us that we have committed so many sins that Allah (swt) will never forgive us, we must remind ourselves that Allah (swt) is the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful. And whenever Shaitan comes to tempt us with a sin, we must ask ourselves what would happen if we were to die while we are committing that sin.
The other lesson that we can take from this first portion of the ayah is that Allah (swt) is the Only One Who can forgive sins. We should not ask for forgiveness from anyone except Allah (swt). We should not care what anyone thinks of us, we should only worry about if Allah (swt) is pleased with us or not. Unfortunately many Muslims today ask other people to ask Allah (swt) to forgive them instead of asking Allah (swt) to forgive them directly. They think that since they have committed so many sins, they are not worthy to ask Allah (swt) directly. But these people do not realize that by placing these intermediaries between them and Allah (swt), they are in fact beginning to commit shirk. So we have to realize that Allah (swt) is the Only One Who can forgive sins and we should not ask of anyone but Him (swt). If you are ashamed to ask Allah (swt) directly because of the sins that you are committing then stop doing those sins. Do not go to some person who you think is righteous or the grave of some person who may have been righteous and ask of them. Allah (swt) is closer to you than your jugular vein, so why should you ask of anyone except Him (swt)? If He (swt) chooses He (swt) will forgive you no matter how many sins that you may have done, and if you are sincere in your prayer to Him (swt) He (swt) may even give you the power and the ability to stop doing whatever evil that you are doing. We know the hadith where the Prophet (saw) has told us that he (saw) asks Allah for forgiveness more than seventy times a day. If the beloved of Allah (saw) and the one who is protected from sin (saw) asks Allah (swt) for forgiveness this many times, then how many times should we ask of Him (swt)? We ask Allah (swt) to forgive our sins and the sins of all our Muslim brothers and sisters who humbly and sincerely submit to Him (swt).
Now that our sins have been forgiven where should our destination in the Hereafter be? Allah (swt) then tells us in this ayah that He (swt) will admit us into gardens under which rivers flow. Regarding these gardens Allah (swt) has told us in a hadith qudsi “I have prepared for My righteous slaves things which have never been seen by any eye, nor heard by any ear, nor imagined by any human being”. The Quran has given us descriptions that have a glimpse of what the gardens of Allah (swt) will be like, but no matter how much we read about their grace, well being and abundance, we cannot imagine how wonderful and marvelous it is. As part of our submission and humility before Allah (swt) we have to believe that the gardens will be places of pleasure and joy more than we can possibly imagine. In the life of this world we have had small glimpses of what happiness and contentment feels like. This is just a taste of what Allah (swt) has kept reserved for us in the gardens. We know that one of the names of Allah (swt) is Ar-Raheem which means “the Most Merciful”. This is a special Mercy that Allah (swt) has kept for the believers in the Hereafter. The manifestation of this Mercy of Allah (swt) are the gardens. Just imagine that Allah (swt) Who has so much Power, how much pleasure and joy, could He (swt) give to those of His righteous servants that He (swt) chooses and favors. If Allah (swt) is pleased with you, just imagine how pleased Allah (swt) can make you. We ask Allah (swt) to include us in that company of His chosen servants for whom this unimaginable reward He (swt) has given. So we see in this ayah that Allah (swt) tells us that if we do our part in this trade that He (swt) will admit us into the gardens. Notice here that Allah (swt) is the One Who will admit you into these gardens. Even if you live up to your end of this bargain and believe in Allah (swt) and the Prophet (saw) with the correct belief and struggle and strive hard in the way of Allah (swt), you must never think that your deeds are enough to allow you enter these gardens. These gardens are so magnificent and wonderful that no matter how strong your belief was and no matter how hard you struggled you are not even worthy to be in them for one second. Rather it is Allah (swt), out of His Mercy and Love, that will admit you into these gardens. We know that for those who do evil Allah (swt) will punish them for the evil that they have done, but for those who do good Allah (swt) will reward them much more than they deserve. Such is the Mercy of Allah (swt)!
Allah (swt) describes the gardens as having rivers flowing underneath. The scholars have said that there are rivers of wine, rivers of milk, and rivers of honey. They will give you the most sweetest and most delicious of drinks. Some scholars have said that the rivers flow through the gardens and other scholars have taken the literal meaning and said that the rivers flow underneath the gardens. But for us it is not so important exactly where the rivers are. We should simply take the general meaning of this ayah and know that in these gardens we will be given these rivers to drink from, to bathe in and to enjoy. That fact should motivate us to work hard to attain these rivers, instead of worrying about exactly where in the garden they will. Insha Allah, wherever in the garden they are, they will be there for us to enjoy and partake in. We ask Allah (swt) to grant us these rivers of His (swt)’s gardens.
Then Allah (swt) says that He (swt) will grant them Masakeena Tayyabathin. The word Masakeen means “homes” or “dwellings”. It is the place where you stay and rest, and it meaning comes from the Sikeena which means tranquility and calmness. Tayyabathin means pure and clean and it also means what is good and pleasing. So in the gardens those who believe in Allah (swt) and the Prophet (saw) and strive hard in the life of this world will be given homes that are pure and clean as well as good and pleasant to be in. The Prophet (saw) has told us that the dwelling in the garden will be like a hollow pearl which is sixty miles high and in every corner of the dwelling the believer will have a family that no one else can see. This is the reward that Allah (swt) gives for their striving in the life of this world. We know from the Seerah that when the Prophet (saw) first received this revelation from Allah (swt), he (saw) told Khadija (ra) that from this day onwards there would be no more rest. So just like the Prophet (saw) the true believer and dawah carrier is the one who struggles and strives hard in the life of this world in the cause of Allah (swt). He works relentlessly in his worship and servitude of Allah (swt), and does not allow himself to relax. In reward for his hard work, Allah (swt) will reward him in the garden with homes where he can dwell in forever. They will be places of peace and tranquility. He will be told that you can rest and relax therein forever and you never have to work hard or struggle anymore. We ask Allah (swt) to grant us these dwellings where we can rest and where we can find peace and tranquility.
Then Allah (swt) says “in gardens of eternity”. The word ‘adn in this ayah could mean “eternity” or it could be referring to the name of one of the gardens. In either case both meanings fit in the context of this ayah. There is a hadith where the Prophet (saw) has told us that there are eight gardens and one of the gardens will be called ‘adn. The gardens will also be places where we will stay in forever. Every pleasure or joy that we have in the life of this world will surely come to an end. But in the gardens of Allah (swt), one of the many pleasures that we will have is the knowledge that all that we have will not end and will continue to remain forever. Can you imagine a world without time? That is how the gardens of Allah (swt) will be. We ask Allah (swt) to grant us that!
In the final portion of this ayah Allah (swt) tells us that this is greatest achievement. Everyone does the actions that they do so that they can achieve some goal. For some people their goal is money, for some people their goal is praise and recognition for some people their goal is the satisfaction of their lusts and desires. In this ayah Allah (swt) tells us what is the real achievement that we should be seeking to achieve. The real achievement is to be saved from the fire, to be forgiven our sins and to be admitted into the gardens. That is the grandest of achievements and the greatest of victories. May Allah (swt) allow us to attain that!
Tafsir seluruh surah di sini. Boleh download masuk smartphones untuk baca di atas bus :)
nota metatarsal : jom ke Akademi Al Fateh winter ini! Berbaloi-baloi insyaAllah. Belajar dari sekarang kalau tidak mahu kelam kabut bersilat dengan nota selepas PUISI.
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Alhamdulillah maka hari ini secara rasminya telah tamat GP attachment saya di kota damai Portarlington :) How time flies,flies and flies! Rasanya baru dua tiga hari lepas saya mengadu kemalasan untuk meninggalkan Dublin bagi menghabiskan sesi berGP di Laois. Malam ini jari melompat-lompat di atas keyboard di dalam bilik sendiri di bandaraya Rathmines.
Hari ini surgery kurang sibuk, kebanyakan masa dihabiskan oleh GP untuk mengisi 'disability allowance', 'carer allowance', 'eye report for driving license' dan banyak lagi form2 lain. Namun hari ini GP saya rasa bersalah seolah-olah mengabaikan lalu menyuruh saya mengambil darah beberapa orang patients. Nanti bila dah jadi intern, bersiapsiagalah untuk menjadi drakula penghisap darah setiap hari. Nurse ambik darah x dapat je,terus cari intern. Lalu, mahu atau tidak kena la ambil tahu tentang hal-hal praktikal ni ok. Alhamdulillah patient juga baik-baik belaka cuma seorang nenek tua ni je yang buat saya rasa slack sikit. "Are you from India?" Allah, rasanya xde la macam sari sangat baju aku ni. Fancy pun tidak. Hitam putih je. Apa-apa la nenek. Angguk-angguk buat-buat tau je la bila saya cakap saya dari Malaysia. ^_^
Walaupun sangat riang gembira dapat pulang ke pangkuan orang-orang tersayang di Dublin (acece), terasa sayu sebenarnya mahu melambai buat kali terakhir kepada bumi Portarlington yang menerima kunjungan saya selama 3 minggu. Cantik sebenarnya bandar kecil Portarlington ni, banyak lembu-lembu dan ulat bulu putih (baca:biri-biri) di sepanjang perjalanan dari tempat penginapan saya, The Heritage Spa & Resort ke Surgery GP saya di Main Street. Sungguh mendamaikan melihat alam yang tidak henti berzikir memuji Pencipta. Tambahan pula, GP dan staffs (Maura, Noreen dan Patricia) begitu meraikan kedatangan saya setiap pagi. Tea with milk without sugar, memang anti-diabetis sungguh air yang dibancuh setiap hari untuk saya. Kesian Maura 5-6 kali cucuk sorang patient untuk ambil darah dengan kehadiran saya,mungkin saya ini 'bad luck' untuk dia. GP saya yang sentiasa mengiyakan permintaan saya, sangat teruja bila diberi peluang untuk buat 'ear syringe' walaupun prosedur tersebut begitu simple. Hari ini sebelum menghantar saya ke stesen keretapi, GP membelanja saya di 'The French', antara kedai makan yang menjadi buah mulut orang di situ. Dalam hati berdoa je please jangan offer makan ayam, meskipun saya sudah terangkan yang saya hanya makan ayam yang disembelih. Alhamdulillah special menu hari itu ialah vegie soup! Kenyang menyumbat perut dengan sup,roti dan hot choc,nasib baek x terlebih-lebih masuk duodenum je. To be honest, I'm surely gonna miss all this great people. Semoga Allah beri mereka hidayah.
Dari Heuston Station berkejar ke Malaysia Hall untuk menghadiri Iftar dan solat hajat anjuran PPIMI dengan menyeret luggage saya. Bukan apa, sudah lama tidak bersosial dengan orang Melayu. Sayalah satu-satunya melayu bertudung yang ada di Portarlington sepanjang 3 minggu lepas. Lagipun,
Allah swt berfirman: “Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan dan Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan bersuku puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan (dan beramah mesra antara satu dengan yang lain).” [Surah al-Hujurat : 13]
Sekali sekala melapangkan masa berjumpa dengan adik-adik ataupun rakan-rakan yang sudah lama tidak bersua muka sedikit melapangkan dada. Allah suka kalau kita berkenal-kenalan kan. Lagipun insyaAllah dapat banyak pahala senyum :)
Malam ini nampaknya saya perlulah marathon untuk menghabiskan portfolio GP supaya masa hujung minggu nanti tidaklah terkejar-kejar kalau ada aktiviti lain. Lagipun tak elok bertangguh. Kan Fadzlina?
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Sobahan nur everyone :) Someone put this on the facebook. It's beautiful,masyaAllah. Worth your 30 mins watching this instead of browsing through waht-so-ever status on FB.
Love your Quran. Read it and practice it.
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Freezing! Literally freezing. Macam mana la ada orang boleh decide untuk menetap di Alaska, Finland, Sweden dan negara lain di mana matahari menyapa cuma lebih kurang sejam dan selebihnya bergelap dalam kesejukan. Variasi sungguh ciptaan Tuhan ni. :)
Hari ini adalah hari yang agak sibuk di surgery (bukan OT,surgery=clinic=small room for consultation). Usually it would be really quite on Tuesday but today is exceptional, so many people get affected by the freezing weather I guess. I saw aplenty of good cases today~family conflict, massive ovarian cyst, varicose veins, thyrotoxicosis, tons of respiratory illness, psych problem, meibomian cyst (fancy name for 'ketumbit'), and list goes on. I know, I know it's not as interesting as the case u might come across in the hospital. But still, common thing are still common, and u must know them by heart. It's funny how the medical staffs use the word 'interesting' for severe/rare disease. The more severe it is, the more interesting it would be.
Right,so today I learnt a couple of good lessons.
(Melayu semula,takut GP google nama saya dan jumpa) Sesungguhnya saya kena banyak-banyak bersyukur dilahirkan dalam Islam yang telah menetapkan hukum hakam yang terbukti mempunyai banyak hikmah. Betapa banyak penyakit yang terjadi disebabkan alkohol,rokok,zina dan pelbagai kebiasaan lain yang ada di dunia Barat ini (well,sadly kat Malaysia pun dah banyak). Setelah 4 tahun bergelar pelajar perubatan, terutama sekali ketika berada di clinical year, betapa terbukti pengetahuan Allah sebagai Pencipta tentang kemudharatan yang boleh dibawa oleh benda-benda yang diharamkan dalam Quran atau sunnah.
Sebagai contoh, Ireland merupakan salah satu negara yang begitu terkenal dengan 'binge drinking' mereka. Malam jumaat bagaikan pesta bagi seluruh isi kota (kecuali masih ada yang anti alcohol for medical reason). Tatkala berjumpa dengan pesakit yang datang dengan pelbagai penyakit hati (liver disease), alcohol adalah antara penyebab utama mereka mendapat katil berbayar di hospital. Kadang- kadang dalam rasa simpati,terbit juga perasaan 'padan muka' kepada golongan ini. Sanggup berhabisan duit semata-mata untuk merosakkan hati sendiri. Say no to alcohol! (klik)
Merokok juga isu biasa. 60 batang rokok sehari. Celah mana mereka jumpa masa nak merokok pun tak tahu la. Lebih kurang 4 batang rokok dalam masa sejam kalau ditolak waktu tidur (itu pun mungkin mimpi rokok?) Isu ini sama sahaja diperkatakan di Malaysia, namun isu ini lebih menjadi-jadi di sini. Suhu yang sejuk selalu dijadikan alasan, padahal banyak je heater yang ada kat sini. Kalau di Malaysia, jangan buat hal. Dah sah-sah haram. Antara Fatwa merokok itu HARAM ialah Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Hal Ehwan Islam Malaysia kali ke 37 yang bersidang pada 23 Mac 1995 di Kuala Lumpur. Saya sangat bersyukur abah sudah berhenti merokok tidak lama dahulu. Saya faham berhenti merokok memerlukan masa dan jihad yang cukup kental. But think about it, kan dapat pahala jihad? Sekarang pun dah banyak nicotine patch dan siap ada klinik berhenti merokok lagi. Tak guna melabur untuk kematian. Lebih elok melabur dengan Takaful Ikhlas. :D
Zina. Aish, saya rasa bersalah setiap kali berjumpa dengan pesakit di sini. History taking yang baik perlu meliputi segenap aspek perubatan, keluarga dan sosial. Janggal sungguh rasanya bila pertama kali terserempak dengan seorang wanita yang mempunyai 3 anak namun bila ditanya tentang suami, beliau dengan selamba menjawab. 'Umm,I'm not married. I'm living with my mum now'. Bagi budak kampung seperti saya, mahu rasa nak tercabut rahang mendengar jawapan tersebut. Nasib baik mata tidak tersembul keluar dan masih mampu meneruskan history taking. Setelah beberapa lama berada di clinical years dan acapkali berjumpa dengan kes begini, saya jadi semakin lali dan biasa dengan isu begini. Ia adalah budaya biasa mereka,tiada apa yang pelik. Lali dan biasa. Tiada lagi jatuh rahang atau mata tersembul. Malah boleh pula minta maaf kalau tersalah guna perkataan 'husband' instead of 'partner'. Namun, ketika mendengar ceramah seorang ustaz tidak berapa lama yang lalu, saya rasa sungguh bersalah kerana menjadikan isu 'single parent' sebagai list perkara biasa dalam history taking.
Hadis riwayat Abu Said Al-Khudri ra.:
Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah saw. bersabda: Barang siapa di antara kalian melihat kemungkaran (hal yang keji, buruk), maka hendaklah ia mengubah kemungkaran itu dengan tangannya. Jika tidak mampu, maka dengan lisannya. Kalau tidak sanggup, maka dengan hatinya. Dan itu adalah selemah-lemah iman. [HR Muslim]
Membenci dengan hati, dan itu selemah-lemah iman. Selemah-lemah iman. Kalau perkara seperti arak, rokok dan zina dianggap perkara biasa/rutin dalam history taking, maka di tingkat mana lagikah iman di hati? Allahu, ampunkan saya. Mulai sekarang, perlu cuba menasihati mereka dan sekurang-kurangnya tergetus rasa benci di hati. Ini bukan perkara biasa, ia perkara yang Allah murkai.
Sesungguhnya peluang belajar di tempat orang ini banyak memberikan pengajaran secara tidak langsung kepada saya. Kadang-kadang hati jadi kagum dengan 'keislaman' orang bukan Islam di sini apabila bercakap tentang aspek kebersihan dan budi bahasa. Betapa cara tarbiyatul aulad mereka sedikit sebanyak perlu dicontohi. Keterbukaan mereka dalam berkongsi buah fikiran memang tidak dapat dinafi. Sayang sekali rasanya beberapa orang yang tersangat baik yang saya jumpa, namun masih belum mendapat hidayah Allah. Semoga Allah yang memegang hati makhluk mengurniakan hidayah buat hati ini dan mereka yang berada di sekeliling.
time for GP portfolio!smile and no stress!
nota metatarsal : bila ditanya tentang betapa peliknya saya menahan diri dari makan dan minum (puasa) oleh GP, serentak itu saya berkata 'well,apparently nobody dies from fasting.but aplenty do due to alcohol,isn't it?' funny.
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Bertemankan semangkuk mee segera dan se'mug' milo, saya membuka puasa sunat 9 Muharram sendirian di golf house yang mewah dan selesa ini. Ironi,rumah besar tapi makan megi. Apa nak buat,saya bukan jenis yang begitu kisah dengan makan, apa sahaja saya terima except seafood. Funny,medical student tapi hentam jugak makan megi. Darurat ni, tak lalu dah makan roti Aldi. (mesti mak menangis kalau terbaca ni)
Sepatutnya 'kelas' saya bersama GP tamat pada jam 5 petang namun GP saya begitu teruja bercerita tentang kisah memancing, sesi fotografi, cerita rindu pada anak-anaknya, membawa saya melawat studio beliau yang 'wow' di tingkat atas surgery (aka klinik), cuaca di Malaysia, dan beberapa isu non-medical lain, saya cuma tercegat di pintu pagar luar menunggu teksi tatkala jam menginjak pukul 6.10 minit. Musim sejuk telah bermula sejak pertengahan bulan November lepas. Saya benar-benar maksudkan sejuk. Sejuk di mana cuaca mencecah 5-6 celcius. Buka peti ais dan duduk di dalamnya buat seketika, macam tu la :) Tapi alhamdulillah masih belum snow. Ada ura-ura mengatakan Ireland tidak akan dilawati makhluk putih dari langit itu tahun ini tapi siapa tahu... It's Ireland anyway. Bandar bersebelahan, Belfast sudah pun dilitupi salji. Dublin, tunggu saya balik dulu kalau nak snow pun ok!
Usai menghabiskan megi yang dimakan dengan perasaan bersalah, saya terfikir-fikir perbincangan saya dan GP di surgery petang tadi. Berkali-kali beliau menasihati saya supaya mempunyai hobi/interest. 'Have something that would make u look forward to wake up the next morning'. Kemudian terus bercerita tentang minat beliau yang memang wow. Fishing,photography, music arrangement, choir recording,list goes on. Bagi GP saya,beliau mahu mengejar kepuasan hidup, melakukan apa sahaja yang beliau minati tanpa halangan. How could he has time for all of that? I wonder, that's why he ends up as GP instead of becoming a consultant in the hospital anyway. But he's a really nice guy. Inspiring in some way :)
Apa yang membuatkan kita bangun setiap hari? Apa yang kita kejar tatkala matahari mula menjenguk bumi? Apa yang menjadikan kita terus tabah menjalani setiap hari yang disulami beraneka perasaan? Apa yang mendorong saya untuk melepaskan pelukan duvet dan tegar melangkah ke kelas setiap hari? Apa yang benar-benar memberikan motivasi buat saya?
Hidup tanpa tujuan ibarat kapal tanpa layarnya. Jauh perjalanan tanpa arah. Sesat dan rugi. Lalu apa sebenarnya tujuan hidup saya? Itu perkara yang perlu difikirkan sepanjang hari ini insyaAllah. Tujuan yang akan memandu setiap perlakuan dan reaksi. Khalifah bagaimana yang saya ingin jadi?
Putting my thinking cap on.
nota metatarsal : syukur bukan hanya dengan mengucapkan 'alhamdulillah'. itu hanya lafaz syukur. syukur yg sebenar ialah membesarkan Yang Memberi Nikmat melalui perlakuan.
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Pelbagai aktiviti saya cuba lakukan untuk membuang rasa malas ke rotation yang bersarang sejak pagi di lubuk hati. Dari mengemas buku, masak, baking, mendengar ceramah, bertapa menyiapkan Clinical Encounter Sheet (baca:EBM), hinggalah ke masa ini mengupdate blog.
Dengan suhu di luar yang semakin menjunam. Sejuk terasa hingga ke tulang. Sweater RCSI yang telah lama bersemadi di dalam almari kini menjadi teman 24 jam. Bayangkan mahu mengharung kesejukan ini ke Heuston Train Station dan menunggu taxi di Portarlington Train station. Allahu!
in denial nak g rotation.
Firman Allah S.W.T yang bermaksud:
“Katakanlah: Adakah sama orang yang berilmu dengan orang yang tidak berilmu”. (Az-Zumar:9)
“Katakanlah: Adakah sama orang yang berilmu dengan orang yang tidak berilmu”. (Az-Zumar:9)
"Menuntut ilmu adalah fardhu bagi tiap-tiap Muslim, baik laki-kali mahupun perempuan." (HR. Ibn Abdulbari)
Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. bersabda:
"Barangsiapa menginginkan soal-soal yang berhubungan dengan dunia, wajiblah ia memiliki ilmunya; dan barangsiapa yang ingin (selamat dan berbahagia) di akhirat, wajiblah ia mengetahui ilmunya pula; dan barangsiapa yang menginginkan kedua-duanya, wajiblah ia memiliki ilmu kedua-duannya pula." (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
"Barangsiapa menginginkan soal-soal yang berhubungan dengan dunia, wajiblah ia memiliki ilmunya; dan barangsiapa yang ingin (selamat dan berbahagia) di akhirat, wajiblah ia mengetahui ilmunya pula; dan barangsiapa yang menginginkan kedua-duanya, wajiblah ia memiliki ilmu kedua-duannya pula." (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Jadi,mahu atau tidak. Berat atau ringan. Saya mesti teruskan perjalanan hari ini ke bumi Portarlington untuk menuntut ilmu. Sedangkan Imam Syafie yang sudah banyak ilmu pun sanggup belayar membelah lautan untuk menuntut ilmu, apatah lagi saya yang sangat cetek ilmu di dada. Bongkak benar kah?
Barangsiapa yang menempuh satu jalan semata-mata untuk mencari ilmu,nescaya Allah akan memudahkan baginya dengan usahanya itu satu jalan ke syurga (Hadith riwayat Muslim)
Lalu saya menyeru diri sendiri untuk menjadi lebih rajin dan produktif minggu ini. Malam ini sampai di bumi Portarlington yang damai dan serba mewah itu, saya ingin menyiapkan sekurang-kurangnya 50% assignment saya. InsyaAllah.
Doakan saya :)
nota metatarsal : musim sejuk juga sinonim dengan musim exam. Maka buat mereka yang sedang bermujahadah bersengkang mata untuk exam, semoga Allah permudahkan urusan. Jangan lupa usaha,doa dan tawakal. Semoga Allah memberikan setinggi-tinggi kecemerlangan,kejayaan yang mendekatkan diri kepada Yang Memberi Nikmat.
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Sebulan dan terus mengira. Alhamdulillah hari ini diberi ilham untuk kembali melawat blog yang kian bersawang ini. Sedikit updates, saya kini sedang ber'rotation' GP (general practice). Saya dihantar ke Portarlington,County (maksudnya daerah) Laois,lebih kurang 40 minit dari Dublin dengan menaiki train.
Unlike rotation Paeds yang agak sibuk, rotation kali ini agak relaks dan memberi saya banyak peluang untuk 'menggodek' video-video di Youtube yang selama ini hanya tersimpan di ruangan 'watch later'. Masa lapang ini agak membunuh saya. Seriously. Tambahan pula, saya ditempatkan di sebuah golf house milik hotel 5 bintang bersama seorang rakan RCSI dari Singapore. 4 bilik,3 bilik air,spacious kitchen,dining hall,2 living room with tele. Allahu,memang x zuhud langsung!
Saya di'assign' seorang GP, Dr.FM, seorang lelaki berusia separuh abad yang sangat baik hati. Unik benar GP saya kali ini. Di tingkat atas surgery beliau terdapat studio untuk merakam lagu. Ya, dia memang agak obses dengan muzik. Selain subjek medicine,saya juga diajar tentang beberapa alatan muzik dan lagu tradisional Irish oleh GP saya yang cool ini. Kadangkala hal yang kami bincangkan lebih bersifat falsafah dan pengalaman hidup. Rasa seperti bercakap dengan seorang datuk gayanya. Berkali-kali beliau berpesan 'Different people has different intention of why they decide to be a doctor. As u said, some people want to help others,which is very noble. But some of them are so money-oriented. Don't be one'. InsyaAllah,tidak. Tegur saya sama ada dengan lemah lembut atau keras andainya saya menjadi seorang yang mementingkan duit. Video ini cukup inspiring buat saya :
'Kalaulah saya tidak bermanfaat lagi pada dunia ini dan keluarga,biarlah Allah ambil saya. Selagi saya bermanfaat, panjangkanlah umur saya sebab nak buat manfaat sebanyak mungkin sebab Allah paling sayang orang yang bermanfaat'
Allahu,5 kali menonton video ini dan saya masih lagi boleh menitiskan air mata. Betapa hebatnya wanita ini dengan acuan Islam yang benar-benar diserlahkan dalam perlakuan. Benarlah orang kata, 'benda yang ikhlas datang dari hati akan terus menuju ke hati yang lain'. InsyaAllah masih ada peluang untuk berusaha menjadi sehebat itu. :)
For now, please finish your GP upload fadzlina. :) I'll be back.
Tiba-tiba teringat nak makan daging lembu. Dah lama asyik makan ayam je.
Err...macam x menjawab soalan je?
tenang pun boleh dapat sokongan.